Grateful & Hopeful

100_0498I went shopping early today. I wanted to get my few last minute things in peace without the people and waiting factors that seem to happen on the day before Thanksgiving. While in the produce section I passed by a lady who looked up at me and said, “Happy Thanksgiving!”. I said, ” Thank you, Happy Thanksgiving to you!”  She seemed extra cheerful. The man next to her, her husband I assume, said the same thing to me, “Happy Thanksgiving!” I returned the sentiment and went on my way, pushing my cart, with a happier heart and a brighter attitude. I noticed that couple again in the store and heard them wish others a Happy Thanksgiving as they did to me. I wondered…. did they plan to say that to those they met today? Did they say to each other before coming to the store, “Let’s wish everyone we see there a Happy Thanksgiving,” or is that just who they are? Does brightening the day for others come naturally to them?  Whatever the reason, it made an impression on me and I’ve been thinking about that all day.

I went to the store this morning a little downhearted, knowing that another Thanksgiving was coming with out Ashton. It was the kind of day where I knew I needed to find some HOPE or JOY. I headed to the Christmas department and did find a Joy To The World ornament. It is mine now. HOPE is still hard to find.

I am so grateful for that couple…. for their innocent, happy comment to me. It changed the course of my day and reminded me that there is so much good in the world. I don’t even know them, but now I wish I did. I wonder how many hearts they lifted during their Walmart trip today?

I’m in charge of the veggie tray for our Thanksgiving feast. My big family… I love ’em! We each bring a little to contribute to the big feast. I’m home now chopping and cutting and preparing for tomorrow when I see them all. The sadness has passed and I am ready and happy to be with them soon. Our children and grandchildren will be there. We can brighten and lift each other.

Families… that’s what this earth life is all about. We share the hardest times and the happiest times with each other. It’s my family who reminds me that I have so much to be grateful for. It’s my family that helps me find the HOPEfulness I am looking for. Today…. it’s my family….. all my brothers and sisters on the earth….  as we share this earth life together…. reminding me that we can help each other be more grateful and HOPEful.

Written by Faye



Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Grateful & Hopeful

  1. Your very words bring hope to those that may be a bit dispondant this time of the year. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful day with your family.

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