You Can Never Have Too Many Friends

Sam & Ashlie Lewis Wedding ~ May 30, 2015 ~ Ashton was a groomsmen

Sam & Ashlie Lewis Wedding ~ May 30, 2015 ~ Ashton was a groomsmen

1 Samuel 18:1 — “…the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”

Proverbs 17:17 — “A friend loveth at all times…”
Proverbs 18:24 — “…a friend sticketh closer than a brother.”
Isaiah 41:8 — “But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.”
James 2:23 — “…Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God:”
The Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 1:30 — “And now, Zoram, I speak unto you:…I know that thou art a true friend unto my son, Nephi, forever.”
Doctrine & Covenants 121:9 — “Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.”
 Growing up, I had no idea what a sweet and tender blessing good friends would be to me later in life. I made a New Year’s resolution just a few weeks before Ashton died (on January 28, 2014) to be a better friend. I thought of a few men to whom I wanted to be a better friend. I asked them if it would be OK if I remembered them on their birthdays. A couple of them didn’t celebrate birthdays anymore, but they appreciated the gesture. The rest said, “Sure!” To a man, each of them reached out to me after Ashton died.
     This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but these are some things that dear friends have done since Ashton’s death:
  • Within a few hours after Ashton died, a friend stopped by to give me a hug while I cried and he gently said, “It will be OK.” He’s right; it will be OK. The more time passes, the more things are “OK.”
  • On the day of Ashton’s funeral, someone anonymously planted flowers in front of our house.
  • A friend composed a poem about the name “Ashton” and put it on a plaque that we placed in the ground in front of the ash tree that we planted in Ashton’s honor.
  • Someone anonymously put up Christmas lights on our front porch railing. It’s now May 31, and the lights are still up — mainly because they bring us so much joy to think of the love that was shown to us. We hope they will last until next Christmas!
  • I asked a friend to water our garden while we were away. Not only did he water the garden, but he also hoed up the weeds and rigged up something to better support the pea plants that were sagging almost to the ground.
  • Some friends from college days made the effort to travel several hours  to visit and console us. We had dinner together, then had a nice visit where we shed tears together.
  • A friend from high school has called me several times to see how I’m doing.
  • A friend invites me to ride bicycles with him — something we both enjoy doing.
  • Faye’s friend from elementary school checks up on her from time to time.
  • A friend who is grieving a loss still brings us delicious food in the midst of her grief.
  • A family brought bottles of Fiji water — one per day for 24 days leading up to Ashton’s “Angel-versary” (the anniversary of the day he died). The bottles were each dressed up in homemade Fiji-like clothing.
  • Several friends have asked us, “How are you doing?” — and really want to know.
  • One of Ashton’s friends brought Faye some flowers for Mother’s Day.
  • Another of Ashton’s friends had Ashton’s senior picture enlarged and encased in an exquisite wooden frame. He was married yesterday and had this picture on an easel — to represent Ashton being one of his groomsmen. He carried the picture down the aisle — with his new bride at his side — and handed it to us — amidst tears from us. God bless you, Sam, for remembering Ashton!
  • My best friend on this earth is Faye. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather grieve with than her! What a special friend she is to me!
  • My ultimate Friends are God, my Eternal Father and His Son and my Savior, Jesus Christ, as well as my Comforter, the Holy Ghost. I listened to the following song by Janice Kapp Perry (sung to the tune “Oh Danny Boy) probably ten times today. I hope you find it as comforting as I did. I think what touched my heart the most was thinking about what a Great Friend each member of the Godhead are. I love Them with my heart and soul.
The Love of God
Is fairest of all precious Gems —
A Gift from heaven that heals the sorrowing soul.
It settles softly on the sad and lonely heart.
And warms it with a Flame that makes the spirit whole.
In times of gloom or sadness, He will Comfort send.
And help a wounded soul to rise again.
His constant Love is like a timeless melody
That sweetly whispers, “I will always be your Friend.”
The Love of God
Is constant as the rising sun
The one pure Fount from which our blessings flow.
He walks beside us in our darkest hour of need
And when our faith grows dim, He shares our pressing load.
Our pleading prayers ascending to His Throne on High.
Are heard and answered by our Loving Friend.
His Kind Compassion warms us as His Wisdom comes.
“Hold on, My hurting child, the Light will come again.”
The Love of God
Endures when other love grows cold.
His steady Hand upholds us from afar.
He changes not from days and years of endless time.
He is our One Sure Rock, our True and Guiding Star.
Above the din of life we strain to hear His Voice.
And by His Gentle Words of Peace be blessed.
His Healing Love is Manna to our weary soul.
He says, “Come unto Me, for Here you shall find Rest.”
“Come unto Me, for Here you shall find Rest.”

Written by Carter

What Makes Me Smile

Ashton with the Fiji children on his mission. They made him smile!

Ashton with the Fiji children on his mission. They made him smile!

I noticed a pattern this morning that I find myself into these days. I love to have things around me that make me smile. I put things on my wall that make me happy… even when they are not the norm for everyone else. My normal right now is what makes me smile. If it doesn’t make me happy…. I don’t keep it. I don’t want it. It doesn’t have to be a physical smile on my face…sometimes it’s just a smile from my heart. Do you know that feeling?

I’m looking for a wreath for my door that makes me smile when I drive up my driveway and look at my front door. I haven’t found it yet. In fact, I’m taking another one back today because it just isn’t it. I haven’t found the one the makes me smile yet. It’s the fourth one I’ve purchased. I’m waiting for one to go on sale at Target. It just might be the one… but I’m not spending $50 bucks for it! I haven’t been one to put a wreath on my door…. but, because I’m in the “needing to smile” mode…I decided I want to start doing that. I thought it would make my house look happier.

I finally got to meet with our grief counselor in person. She lives in Mesa and we have just “face timed” with her for other sessions. She works from her home and I felt happy in her home. You know why? She keeps her Christmas stuff up all year round… and she has some amazing, unique Christmas decorations. When I got home, I decided I was going to put my Christmas stuff back up…. mainly all the Joy I was given at Christmas time. I did it too! I still have my Nativity out. My poinsettia is still thriving and happy and living from Christmas! I have a Joy marquee that is my very favorite! I bought it at Target this last Christmas, but never put it up. It’s up now… and I plug it in every morning. I even left it on… on purpose… when we left for a few days so the house could stay happy. Silly? Yep! But that’s how I work right now. It’s by my back door and I can see it when I’m in my kitchen or at my computer. It isn’t quite as neon looking as the picture portrays.

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I makes me smile to keep things alive these days. I replanted some house plants, replacing the ones that didn’t make it through starvation mode after Ashton died. They are growing and doing well and it makes me happy to watch them grow.

My grandchildren and my family bring a smile to my face. In fact… they bring the biggest smile!

That little bunny that shows up in my front yard every morning and evening makes me smile.

Paying attention to these things really does help me. They remind me that there is much to smile about on this earth.

One thing I do… that also makes me smile… is reading from the scriptures EVERY DAY. I’m not perfect at it, and if I miss a day… I feel it. I need God to speak to me and I can feel His voice there. Some days I will just read a verse or two. It really does help. Feeling the  peace my Heavenly Father has for me from the scriptures is one more thing that makes me smile.

Written by Faye

Ashton Richardson Mayberry Memorial Scholarship

Ashton – Senior – St. David High School


A scholarship was started in Ashton’s honor a few days after his death. Ashton graduated from St. David High School in 2010. He wanted to go to medical school to become a radiologist. The scholarship is for high school seniors from St. David High School to help fund their education. So many contributed to this fund…even people we did not know. Much more was raised than I could have imagined. We are so grateful for each and every donor and every penny donated. I want to introduce you to the  recipients for 2014 and 2015. Each has received a $1000 scholarship.


The first recipient of this scholarship in 2014 was Mikayla Morrison, daughter of Derek & Kristy Morrison. She’s a kind, gentle girl who radiates goodness.


Mikayla Morrison with Carter Mayberry

Mikayla Morrison with Carter Mayberry


This year’s recipient is Nathaniel Goodman, son of Mark and Ora Goodman. He reminds us of our youngest son, Jacob.

Nate Goodman, recipient, with Carter Mayberry

Nathaniel Goodman with Carter Mayberry

Anyone can still contribute to this scholarship. If you are interested, here is the address where you can send your contribution:

St. David Educational Foundation
PO Box 456
St. David, AZ 85630

Please specify on the check that it is for Ashton Mayberry

Written by Faye

A Mother’s Day Blessing

David Hancock, Ashton Mayberry & Sam Lewis - Halloween

David Hancock, Ashton Mayberry & Sam Lewis ~ age 9 ~ Halloween

A very sweet thing happened for me on Mother’s Day weekend. It’s one of those times when my heart just might burst if I don’t get to write it down. It’s a good kind of heart bursting… from a sweet kindness that someone chose to do. He didn’t have to do  it. That’s what makes it all the more endearing to me.

Carter and I were walking around the block on Saturday evening  after dinner. It was a cool night for May and we were just about to make the turn to go up our road. A white truck pulls up and stops beside us. One of Ashton’s friends and classmates gets out of his truck and hands me a bouquet of flowers and says, “Happy Mother’s Day!” I don’t remember anything else he said because I was so surprised and overcome. I do remember that I hugged him 3 or 4 times and thanked him even more! He’s a tall, handsome, sturdy cowboy and I thought of how it might have felt to be hugging Ashton as I hugged him. Ashton and he were about the same height. They were team mates on the offensive line their senior year at St. David High School  and were undefeated all season until the quarter finals of the state playoffs.

I texted this to him later:

“I can’t put into words how kind that was of you to give me flowers for Mother’s Day! I cried when you left… Tell your mother to give you one more hug for me. I didn’t give you enough!!!”

This is part of what he texted back to me “….He always had my back so I have his now. I know he would want to show you his love. I hope your Mother’s Day is wonderful.”

David… there’s one lucky girl out there for you. If your mom knows about this, I’m sure she’s super proud of her son. That was an amazingly kind thing to do! You made this mother’s heart a little happier to be remembered like that. And just so you know… those little baby carnations are my favorite flowers because they stay beautiful and fresh for so long. You chose the perfect ones!

I smile every time I walk by those flowers… and remember who they came from. I love you to pieces David!

There’s a cute little story behind that picture:

These three friends liked to dress up together for Halloween. One year they were clowns, another year they were the Three Musketeers and then cowboys. David remembers the three of them in a tree house making plans for Halloween and what they’d be! This year Harry Potter was huge and Ashton wanted to be Harry Potter. David and Sam had no idea who Harry Potter was because they didn’t read books. Ashton told them to just dress up nerdy with glasses and a wand. David said he was NOT going to carry a wand, so he and Sam decided they would be Army men and Ashton was Harry Potter! (Faye’s recollection – I do remember Ashton was adamant about being Harry Potter that year. He was a Harry Potter fanatic! Our Harry Potter books are curled and  sorry looking from so much use.)

Written by Faye



Homeward Bound

Ashton in the jungles of Fiji

Ashton ~ a missionary in the jungles of Fiji

A good friend posted a new arrangement of a song, Homeward Bound, sung by BYU’s Vocal Point.  It’s a song I’m already familiar with and love. You can hear it here. It’s a special song to us.  It was the song that came on in the car as we were driving our son Jordan to the airport to leave on his mission in 2006. He was our first missionary and it was an emotional time sending him off. The day before, he had literally plowed a field for his dad to get it ready to plant corn. After the song played, Jordan and I both cried most of the way to the airport. Jordan did return home to us from his mission to Korea…safe, well and happy. Now this song is even more meaningful since our Ashton’s death. Ashton won’t be returning home as soon as Jordan did, but I know we will see him again, “somehow”. I believe then he will also be safe, well and happy. But for now he is “set free” from his suffering on earth, to “find his calling” in the spirit world. Thanks for posting this, Paul. The arrangement is amazing!

Written by Faye