Written by Carter. Some of the other senior missionaries gave me a jigsaw puzzle on my birthday. I’ve been working on it a little most evenings and finished it last night. It has brought me so much enjoyment! The photo is so beautiful! When I finished working on it that day, I just sat and savored the beauty of the scenery. Because I put the puzzle together, it was weird, but I felt like I took part in creating some of that beauty! What a beautiful world Heavenly Father has created for me!
We listened to the weekly devotional that is broadcast to the missionaries throughout the world. The speaker was Steven J. Lund. I wish non-missionaries could listen; this one was exceptional! One of his quotes, “You’re not smart enough for this work…but you are enough.” He told the story of a young mother trying to load an uncooperative hog into a trailer with her young children to take it to market. Her husband for some reason was not home. She was about to give up when an old, crippled neighbor came by and offered to help. She didn’t want him to get hurt because he couldn’t move very fast and this was a big hog! He took a 5-gallon bucket and put it over the pig’s head. The pig backed up to get its head out of the bucket. He kept doing that and got the pig to back into the trailer! Brother Lund said to the missionaries, “Bring your bucket and a willing heart.” Having grown up on a farm and having loaded plenty of uncooperative animals onto trailers, this story resonated with me! What a great story!
I participated in three mission health councils this week. I sure enjoy working with the mission presidents and their wives! In one of them, the wife was telling about some of the struggles they were facing in the mission because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I commented that don’t think I’ve heard the word “unprecedented” used so many times in such a short period of time! I said, “I hope you’re keeping a good journal; your posterity may yet quote from it.” I jokingly said that our experiences might be in Saints, Volume 10!
I participated in a very illuminating Zoom call sponsored by the Christian Medical and Dental Association about “The Christian Perspective on Physician-Assisted Suicide.” There were two speakers who did a great job…as did the facilitators, who were both second-year medical students! That was very thought-provoking!
I read this question as I was preparing for this week’s Sunday school lesson: “Helaman 15:7 describes what led the Lamanites to their mighty change. Have you known anyone who has had a life-changing experience after being led to the scriptures?” My response: “Yes! Me! As I turn to the scriptures and strive to live their teachings, I am clearly changed…daily!” I am grateful for God’s help as I strive to keep His commandments and be more like His Son, Jesus Christ!
Thursday, September 10, is World Suicide Prevention Day. That evening, there will be a Virtual Candlelight Ceremony via Zoom. Here is the link for those who would like to participate. I’m grateful for people and organizations who are trying to help those who are suffering or otherwise affected by a loved-one’s suicide.
I declare that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, organized on April 6, 1830, is Christ’s New Testament Church restored.
We’ve climbed to the top of Neuschwanstein Castle, and the surrounding beauty IS incredible! Hmm… you guys wanna “fill your bucket” on a mission to Bavaria!!??
Thanks for always uplifting and enlightening, and love the masks Faye!
Love you guys! ❤️
We’ve climbed to the top of Neuschwanstein Castle, and the surrounding beauty IS incredible! Hmm… you guys wanna “fill your bucket” on a mission to Bavaria!!??
Thanks for always uplifting and enlightening, and love the masks Faye!
Love you guys!
Thanks, Susan! Great to hear from you! Hugs for Brad!