A Village Weeps


Kielee Shaye Miller

September 9, 2016

A sweet, young girl in our community took her own life yesterday. I am not going to lie….It has affected me profoundly. I’m actually wading through my own resurfacing, deeper grief……remembering…… knowing the place her parents, family and friends are in right now.  Writing always helps with the ‘wading’, so here I go.


Kielee Miller has beautiful, long blonde hair. She was one of the young women I taught at church a few years ago. She was friends with my son, Jacob. In my class she was mostly quiet and thoughtful, but when she did share she said some amazing things. I learned from her. I also saw that she struggled. I saw her sadness. I worried for her.

What do you do when you see that? What can we do when we notice someone is deeply struggling like that?

I’ve had some conversations with my daughter and my sisters this morning that have prompted some of this writing. I hope to be helpful and I hope to bring some awareness as September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. I have permission from them to share their thoughts and stories.

In my daughter’s words:

“I felt really angry and frustrated at first…. And then I felt a huge rush of empathy. SHE DIED OF A SERIOUS DISEASE! It’s like we still haven’t found a cure for everyone… And even still some people still die from it. Like cancer, in my mind. I don’t want to minimize the pain of it for the survivors AT ALL. We know the pain…..But thinking of it that way not only helped ME get the help I needed but took away the shame and stigma for me. I hope that would help others understand some.”

My daughter, Candace, struggles with mental illness. If you were to see her now, she looks like a normal woman with a smile for everyone. She has had thoughts of death and suicide as she has been seeking help for her mental illness.

She says: “I think people need to know that NORMAL people can have those thoughts. Those that you can see the pain, but also those you would never think could, and seem to be perfectly fine .”

So what do to? How to help? Remember the meme that we see and hear so often?

“Be kind… Everyone is fighting a hard battle.”

It is the absolute truth!!! All of us are struggling with SOMETHING!

My sister Diane is making a difference. She said: “Who can we help today so that doesn’t happen tomorrow?!?!  That’s my new thought process.  There’s too much sadness that can be prevented. It’s a reminder to me to get out of my own problems and think of others.  We just need to say a kind word to everyone & be genuinely concerned.   Saying hi goes a long way to someone who truly struggles.  It could keep them here one more day. I have been leaving notes for random people who I feel are struggling.   I send a message with uplifting quotes or pictures.  I try to do one a day.”

I realize that there are some we won’t be able to reach with just kindness, but there are SO MANY that we CAN reach!

If you are struggling with thoughts of death or suicide please hear my friend Ashley Dewey’s words:  “YOU matter! You matter to God. You matter to your family. You matter to your friends. You matter to strangers. You matter! Don’t forget that today! Maybe we all can be a little better at reminding each other.”

Yes, a village is weeping…..again. But in our tears let’s make an effort to do SOMETHING! We CAN be kind! We CAN lift each other with our kindness and genuine concern. BEING KIND CAN REMIND OTHERS THAT THEY MATTER!!!!!

Please do those things that will help YOU stay strong, mentally and emotionally, and help others do the same.

Thank you, Melanie Davis, for the phrase “A Village Weeps”. I will never forget those words on the day we lost our Ashton.

Written by Faye

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

7 thoughts on “A Village Weeps

  1. Thank you…excellent words and so important…I strive everyday to smile at everyone I see and be kind. It can make a difference!!!

  2. My heart is so sad that another family is suffering because of this terrible diease. Oh how I wish our world could be a better, happier place for those who are going through this. I truly will double my efforts to make a difference in the lives of those that I come in contact with.

  3. Faye, this is so beautiful. Morgan and I both have struggled with depression, and as we talked about this yesterday Morgan said that she has so much more empathy knowing what it feels like to have those dark feelings. I, too, know what it’s like to put on a happy smile and try to show the world that everything is fine when it really isn’t. My heart has been aching for all of you. I love what you write. I always read your posts and they always lift me up and help me tibresolve to be a little kinder, less judgemental, and a better friend. Thank you.

  4. Faye,
    Thank you so much for you gracious words. They have helped me help others and reminds me that just a smile a hello and kind word can do so much for anyone.

    I have dealt with family struggles recently and knowing how words can help and they can hurt reminds me to be careful what I say and do.
    Thank you.

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