When we were in Rockford, I listened to a woman talk about her mother who had just passed away. She said that both of her parents are now in Heaven…taking advantage of all that Heaven has to offer.
Sometimes I feel Ashton’s absence so deeply. Now is one of those times.
But I love the thought of Ashton taking advantage of all that Heaven has to offer.
What ARE the offerings of Heaven? They have to be so sweet, peaceful and love filled.
Light filled.
It has to be unlike anything I could ever describe with my mortal frame of reference.
But… I’ve been thinking… what does Heaven have to offer me as an earthling?
How can I take advantage of all that Heaven has to offer even though I’m not a resident?
As I think about it…here is what I know. This is what Heaven has offered me so far.
Sometimes Heaven feels so close. I can‘t describe how I know… I just know when I feel it. I only feel it when I’m still. When my mind is quiet.
Sometimes at night right before I go to sleep when I’m finishing the prayer I started on my knees. Sometimes in the morning, right when I wake and it’s quiet, as I’m asking for strength for this day. Sometimes in the temple where earth and heaven can be so intertwined.
Then sometimes when Ashton is close…when he brings his peace he’s so good at sharing.
It’s a tangible feeling…that fills every fiber of my being… a beautiful warm love that’s different from any other feeling I’ve felt on earth.
It doesn’t always come when I ask. But when it does… I feel known, heard, and so very strengthened.
Enveloped in LOVE & LIGHT…♥️🌟
Right now… that’s what Heaven offers me as I am earthbound.
I treasure each warm and tender offering.
Written November 14, 2023, by Faye.
**I want to acknowledge this caricature of Ashton as a Fijian missionary. It was painted by a friend of our daughter-in-law, Rubi, in 2015. Thank you Luis. You don’t even know us, but we appreciate this gift so much.♥️
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing..