Written by Carter.
The biggest news for Faye and me this week is that I signed a contract to work at the Chiricahua clinic in Benson after we return from our mission; I start there in July 2021. It has been interesting to see the Lord’s hand in this process. I didn’t know why at the time, but, before we left for New Zealand (December 2019), I felt like I should explore four other practice opportunities, including the one at Chiricahua. I felt good about Chiricahua, but, as Faye and I counseled with each other, the Lord (and others), we felt like we should stay with the TMC One clinic in Benson. However, the Lord knew that the pandemic would hit and that it would affect where I would practice when we returned from our mission. I am convinced that is why He prepared me to look around for other work opportunities before we left. I am humbled that He guided me. It’s also nice that my brother, Andy, will be working at Chiricahua; he’s starting there tomorrow! He’s a great doctor and has been a great medical partner for over 20 years! Besides, he’s just a good person, a good brother and a good friend!
I played pickleball twice this week. I had fun, but was very sore the next day. I have a hard time “turning down” my competitive juices in athletic events like that. I’m still working on maturity and using good judgment!
The Auckland Mission president and wife (the Parr’s) invited Faye and me and five other senior missionaries into their home to attend a Zoom meeting where Elders Gary Stevenson and Brent Brent Nielsen and Bishop Davies (and the wives of the last two) spoke to the young missionaries in the three New Zealand missions. They gave some inspiring and inspirational messages. What a blessing to have living apostles and prophets on the earth! What a blessing to live in a time where modern technology permits those types of meetings during a pandemic! It wasn’t as good as it probably would have been to have them speak in person, but it was still very good. We then had a nice meal and visit with the Parr’s and the other senior missionaries afterward.
Yesterday, we went on an outing to the Botanical Gardens with the Tango’s, a couple in their 70’s from our ward. They sure are nice people and good friends! It was stunningly beautiful there! I’m also going to include a couple of photos I took today of beautiful flowers blooming in less-than-lovely locations. Some of the flowers are less-than-perfect. They seem to be a metaphor for life: Bloom where you are planted…even if you are not perfect! Make the world as beautiful as you can with the gifts and talents you do have!
I have spent a lot of time this week getting a medical visa extension for an missionary that was injured in a car accident in January and who was life-flighted to NZ for medical care. He is recovering nicely, but still has some deficits. In my opinion, it will be better for him to stay in NZ for at least another year to see how much healing occurs over that period. I’m concerned that his home country will not have adequate health care for him. We’ll see if the NZ immigration agrees with me!
Since Friday afternoon, I have been feeling somewhat “down.” There were a variety of factors, but a significant one was that we participated in a virtual candle-lighting ceremony that afternoon to honor those who have died from suicide. That was harder for me than I had anticipated it would be. Afterward, I went for a walk to try to calm my mind. I tried listening to The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, then classical music…but neither one helped much. I finally turned off all sound from my phone and tried to pay attention to nature’s sights, sounds, smells, colors: birds, trees, flowers, etc.. That was very healing and calming for me. I also prayed as I walked. “O, God, where art thou?” I cried as I visualized Him carrying me on His back or with Jesus walking beside me like one would walk beside an injured athlete or soldier…with my arm over His shoulder and He’s holding that hand. I thought of “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” “My son, peace be unto thy soul. Thine afflictions and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment. And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high.” I named my blessings, one-by-one. Foremost among them was knowing that I have a loving Father in Heaven. Jesus is my Savior and knows what I am experiencing. He has felt it personally. The Holy Ghost is my Comforter. I’m trying to feel grateful for the “down” times because they help me appreciate so much more the majority of the time when I feel so good!
Some might ask why we chose to participate in the virtual candle-lighting ceremony in the first place? Well…speaking for myself, I wanted to honor Ashton’s life and memory. How does one know ahead of time how hard something will be? I can’t always predict that. Besides, am I on this earth to avoid doing things that are hard? Why was this harder than other things I have done to remember Ashton? I don’t know. Will I do it again next year? I don’t know yet.
I declare that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is anchored in the perfect life of its chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ, and in His infinite Atonement and literal Resurrection. What a blessing to believe that with all my heart!
I love reading your posts. It will be good to have you back in Arizona!
Much love to you both,
Thanks, Laura! Hope you, Marc and the family are doing well!