Does it get any better than this!? Right now nothing can compare to this little bundle!
This has to be the ultimate bundle of JOY!!
She came today, December 4, 2014 at 4:03am. A Christmas present to the whole family! Rubi’s parents were on Skype from Honduras. Candace and I made it there for the birth. Carter got to go visit her this evening.
Her name? Now that’s a special one that’s hard for me to let anyone know about, but I will! Rubi seems to like my name! My old fashioned name. Her name is:
Jordana Faye Mayberry
They will call her Faye. We call her baby Faye. Makes my heart melt every time I think about it!
Thanks Jordan and Rubi for this sweet granddaughter, this bundle of Joy! Right when I needed her… she came. Joy from heaven!
Maybe Ashton got to be her escort down here… It’s fun to think about anyway.
Written by Faye

Oh, Faye! I think that is the sweetest most flattering thing to have a BABY FAYE! Babies bring so much healing and hope…I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks after my Grandpa Elrey died and it definitely soothed some of my grief. This little one is such a gorgeous baby– what a sweet face! Congratulations all around! (Ps: we have a sweet sister from our ward serving in the Tucson mission and her name is Jordyn Faye Yarborough…maybe you will meet her someday!)
I will watch for Sister Yarborough!