This is a long post, so I’ll break it into two posts: one today and another tomorrow: This week in the Provo, Utah Mission Training Center (MTC) has been amazing! We learned a lot, felt the Spirit and made some very good friends.
We arrived in Salt Lake City Saturday afternoon, April 8. Faye’s uncle picked us up at the airport. We went to a local restaurant, where we had a nice visit with him and his wife; his brother and wife and Faye’s parents. Faye’s parents were possibly the oldest missionaries in the MTC last week; Faye and I were possibly the youngest senior missionaries this week. Faye’s parents left for their mission in San Diego Monday morning. We enjoyed telling others that Sylvia and Faye were in the MTC (for a day and a half) at the same time!
Sunday evening, we attended a devotional where Pres. & Sis. Martino (MTC president and wife)[i] spoke. They told about their conversions as teens, his mission as a young man to Italy, their children’s missions and their service as mission president and wife in the Philippines. One of their sons passed away from a brief illness shortly after he returned home from his mission. They spoke of the comfort they felt with this family tragedy. They showed a picture of a tree with many branches that represented all their family (present and future) who have/will benefit from the blessings of the gospel because of the efforts of the missionaries who taught them in their youth. They also had flowers under the tree that represented non-family members who have come into the Church because of their efforts.
Monday morning, we officially started our orientation to the MTC. We had a devotional in the afternoon where the MTC mission presidency and wives spoke to us. We all stood and introduced ourselves and told where we were from, where we would serve and our assignment. Tears were shed by many when it was mentioned what we all left behind to serve our missions.
We then had training with the whole group on our Purpose as missionaries: “Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them to receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.”[ii]
We were divided into districts of four couples, where we would have small-group instruction for the rest of the week. It was amazing to get to know them and feel like they are good friends already.
We were also assigned to get to know another couple. We were to look for how we could invite them to come unto Christ. We have A LOT in common! He likes to cycle. She likes to quilt (like Faye). They have four kids and 6 grandchildren. They will also be Area Medical Advisors, but in South Africa. We told them about Ashton’s suicide; they were very supportive.

MTC friends at our first devotional
For Family Home Evening, we watched a talk by Elder Bednar[iii] (a living apostle), who spoke on “The Character of Christ.” He pointed out that Christ consistently looked outward when the “natural man” tendency is to look inward. For example, when he was on the cross, he looked outward to the thieves and told one of them that he would be with Christ in paradise. He also looked outward and made sure John looked after His mother, Mary. Elder Bednar encouraged us to study the character of Christ and determine what we would individually do to become more like Him…with His help.
During one of the discussions, I was enlightened by the definition of “Repentance”[iv] in the Bible Dictionary: “The Greek word of which this is the translation denotes a change of mind, a fresh view about God, about oneself, and about the world.” That really gives me a different perspective on what it means to repent and to invite others to repent. Repentance suddenly becomes a positive, joyful experience!
In another discussion, we learned about “Christ in Our Teaching.” We initially took turns inviting our spouse to attend church with us. Then we watched a video about Christ’s Atonement and then invited again. What a difference that brought to the invitation! Christ should be the center of my life, my worship, my teachings and my invitations.
In another discussion, we assessed ourselves in various Christ-like attributes. I thought about areas where I have strengths and weaknesses. I made specific goals to improve and have felt the Lord’s hand guiding me in this process. I have faith that, through Christ’s grace and my humility, my weakness can become strong. Then the teacher gave us an assignment to tell our spouse what positive attribute/strength we noticed in them. Faye and I walked around our building as we shared our thoughts about each other’s strengths. Wow! This mission so far has been the best marriage enrichment activity I could have hoped for!
One of our teachers (they are all returned missionaries and students at Brigham Young University) encouraged us to realize what an influence we can have on the young missionaries, many of whom have come from broken or troubled homes. Many of them don’t know what a stable marriage looks like. That was thought-provoking; I pray that Faye and I can model a good marriage for these impressionable young missionaries. I appreciate the senior couples who served with and loved our sons…especially Ashton; several of those who served with Ashton have reached out to us since his death.
In another class, we discussed the “Role of The Book of Mormon.” I believe with all my heart the promise from Joseph Smith (from the Introduction to The Book of Mormon), when he says, “I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”[v] The Book of Mormon has brought me nearer to God than any other book…bar none. Being nearer to God (the happiest Being in the universe) has brought me immeasurable happiness and has provided protection against temptation and misery.
Written by Carter. I’ll post the rest of my thoughts tomorrow.
You both look content and well fed on God’s truths/promises. Happiness shows in your faces. It’s wonderful to behold.
We are so excited for you…SO sad we didn’t say goodbye! Love this post…thank you for sharing, you both look very happy!
P.S. LOVE Carter’s devo picture with his new MTC hairstyle!
you two look terrific. enjoy every second. hugs sr kml
Thanks for enlightening me with your experiences Carter & Faye . I am learning from them/ you as well! My love & prayers. 🙂