Conquering The Mountain Of Grief

This is a helpful post by Rhonda O’Neill from her blog, The Other Side of Complicated Grief.  She compares grief to climbing a mountain. I read this on a day when  moving forward up my mountain felt almost impossible. She wrote it just for me. Bless you, Rhonda….
Ashton in beautiful Fiji !

Ashton on a mountain top in beautiful Fiji !


Conquering the Mountain of Grief

 “Grief can seem as unconquerable as Mt. Everest.
You have no climbing experience.
You aren’t sure that you’ll survive the elements.
Or, that you have the equipment required to safely climb the mountain.
Your very life is at stake.
You are overwhelmed and exhausted. You feel defeated.
How do you even begin the climb?
Have the courage to keep moving, even though it feels like you’ll never make it to the top.
You don’t have to climb the mountain in one day, one year, or even ten years.
But, you do have to keep moving.
You didn’t set out to conquer mountains. You didn’t ask to be left out in the wild, uncontrollable elements of nature. But this is where you find yourself.
You CAN and you must climb this mountain, even though right now it might feel impossible.
Keep moving forward.
Courage and determination.
It feels like you’re alone on your climb, but you’re not
You have guides who have climbed this mountain before, who can share with you the best way to navigate its challenges.
Take one day at a time. One step at a time.
But, keep moving up the mountain.
Eventually, your perspective on the mountain will start to change, and you’ll see more clearly that what you thought was Mt. Everest, is actually a smaller mountain.
You realize that you can do this.
You still have times where the mountain again seems unconquerable, and you may need a day or two to regain your courage.
That is ok. That is part of climbing the mountain.
Climbing a mountain and overcoming grief are both processes that take courage, determination and time.
The journey isn’t about forgetting your loved one. That will never happen.
The journey is about honoring the love you shared and finding a way to get to the top of the mountain where you can experience joy in your life again.
You can learn to live again.
Don’t stay stuck half way up the mountain.
Grief is hard work.
But, you can make it to the top.
One step at a time.”

Posted by Faye

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Conquering The Mountain Of Grief

  1. Thank you for that post Faye. I shared it with the message that I want to climb that mountain, I want
    Joy in back in my life. This year was not good for me, and the new year brings my son Jake’s birthday (1/17), Josh’s birthday (and also the day Ashton passed); Josh would have been 33, and I had a baby pass at birth. He would have been 40 this year on 2/12! My pain is still raw, my heart broken (I don’t think it will ever heal!), but I still get up every day thanks to God, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.

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