Written by Carter. Monday through Thursday of this coming week, Faye and I will attend a mission leadership seminar in Taupo, a place we haven’t been to in the central area of the North Island of NZ. I will speak briefly on a couple of medical topics. Last Sunday, I had a brief, “coincidental,” in-person conversation with Elder Ardern and asked him if he had guidance for me in what to present at the mission leadership seminar…and he gave me a suggestion. I don’t think it was a coincidence that we met. The mission presidents (and their wives — or “companions,” as they are often called now) from NZ will be at the seminar in Taupo in person; the others will attend via Zoom.
We had nice video conversations with the kids and grandkids this week. I sure do love them and am proud of them!
When I was on one of my walks, I passed a man sitting on a bench outside a nearby supermarket. He didn’t have any shoes on and his clothing was very dirty and shabby. I’m pretty sure he was homeless. I felt like I should ask him if he needed any food…so I went back and did that. He said, “No, I’m good.” I’m grateful for that prompting. I’m also mindful of a line in The Chosen, where Jesus says, “Don’t even congratulate yourself for doing something good.” I do that sometimes. Praise be to God (and not to me).
I met a lady on another of my walks who is looking for someone to watch her dog for a couple of months…while she is in alcohol rehab. I sent an email to the other senior missionaries to see if they know anyone in their local wards who would be willing to do that. I don’t think it was a coincidence that we started down the same path at the same time that day. I pray the Lord will bless and strengthen her as she works toward overcoming what must be a difficult challenge in her life.
This week, I read Alma chapter 60 and was impressed with Moroni’s character. The Holy Ghost gave me this thought: “That’s one reason why there are ‘war chapters’ in the Book of Mormon: to reveal the character of Moroni.” How would Moroni have known his own character had it not been for the adversities through which he passed? The same holds true for me and my adversities, which allow me to develop and reveal my character. Specifically, Alma 60:32 says, “…it is the tradition of their fathers that has caused their hatred…” This shows his great compassion toward his enemies. He’s trying to see the best in them.
I have recently been studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel (PMG) in an effort to learn to rely more on the Holy Ghost. A suggested activity from PMG was this: “Write a description of the nature and role of the Holy Ghost.” This was my response: “The Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit. He bears witness of the Father and the Son and of the truth. He helps me know the truth of all things. He warns me and comforts me.” I’m thankful for this activity and especially for the Holy Ghost’s influence in my life.
The Area Mental Health Advisor serving in Samoa told me about the Church’s course on “Emotional Resilience,” which I have also been slowly working through. It has been very helpful and insightful for me to do that. I recommend it to those who are interested.
Faye and I watched a 2015 devotional talk by Elder Kim B. Clark, where he talks about the importance of learning and teaching the doctrine of marriage, as taught by God through His ancient and modern prophets and apostles. I also recommend this to those who are interested.
I affirm that God is making known His will for His beloved sons and daughters. As President Nelson said, “Does God really want to speak to you? Yes!…Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know…” I humbly acknowledge God’s guiding hand in my life. I promise you that He earnestly wants to guide each of you, as well. He is your loving Father. He wants the best for you.
Carol and I started taking the Emotional Resilience course in our Stake a few weeks ago. I’ve been amazed at how much more I get out of it by being there and discussing it. (We are retired and living in the Vernal, Utah stake, and also serving as full-time live-at-home MLS missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.)
Good for you, Keith and Carol! It’s great to hear from you! I hope all is well with you and your family!