I wish I could tell you everything… Every sweet thought, every little blessing I’ve experienced in the short time I’ve been here. I will do my best.. We arrived on Saturday afternoon, April 8, 2017.
The Mission Training Center has been a place where others go. Our 3 boys came here. Many nieces and nephews have walked these halls. Other missionary couples that I know have trained here, but I am here now! Carter and I keep saying to each other, “We are at the MTC!” Crazy! What’s more… We are at the MTC with my parents! They left a week earlier than us and will leave on Monday. It is so sweet to be here with them for a day and half. We are taking pictures! They were there to meet us when we checked in and received our name tags. They have shown us where to go and what to do. My parents have always been the ones in my life to show me the way. Why not now? It is so very appropriate.
I am in my boot here. My foot is about 80 – 90% healed and I still need to wear it for 2 more weeks. I am very used to wearing it and it doesn’t slow me down much at all. We have become friends. It is now comfortable and a part of me. In our Sunday School lesson this morning, they talked about the Tender Mercies of the Lord. The healing of my foot is a great Tender Mercy for me. I call it one of my little miracles. I want to include it here because so many reading this letter home have prayed for my foot. I really needed a miracle for it to heal and I have received it. The doctor told me this Jones fracture does not heal well or sometimes not at all. Many have to have surgery. The blood supply is not good to that area. But, my fracture HAS been healing. I am so grateful….so very grateful. Again, thanks to everyone who prayed and fasted with our family for this Tender Mercy.
We begin our orientation and training on Monday. It’s nice to have this Sabbath to spend with my parents and rest up from all of our mission preparations and traveling.
We are in a district with young Elders and Sisters who are from many different countries and speak many different languages. We had a testimony meeting with them this morning. Mom and I sat together in the back, teary, with tissues in hand, as so many bore faith filled testimonies of struggles and blessings. One of the sisters quoted in Mormon 5: 23 from the Book of Mormon:
“Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power, and at his great command the earth shall be rolled together as a scroll?”
I thought of our children and grandchildren we left back home and the struggles they face that we can’t physically help them with while we are gone. It brought me great hope knowing that they too are in the hands of God and they will be blessed, strengthened and watched over.
Ashton walked these same halls we are walking. He sat in these same classrooms and ate in the very same cafeteria we will eat in this evening. He told me after his mission that he loved the MTC. He loved the training, singing in the choir and everything about the MTC. It was the favorite part of his mission. He was here for 12 weeks learning the Fijian language.
Ash! We’re here! I’m looking forward to experiencing a week of something you loved.
Written by Faye
What a sweet, loving spirit Faye. My prayers, with so many others ,will be with you two, your children and your Parents! Blessings will continue to strengthen & hold.you up! ..my love, Lorina
Thanks for sharing. Very cool that your parents are there with you. Wishing you the best.
So Proud of You & Carter‼
What a treat & a blessing to start your missions with your parents? Good Luck & I Look forward to your wonderful, spiritual, exciting experiences? Take Care my friend?
We will pray for you every night (as we do already).
How beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Oh dear Faye! My heart is cheering and crying at the same time! I didn’t realize your parents were leaving to serve a mission also, what a wondrous legacy of faith you come from and you are/will be to yours.
Much Love,
Rod n Patty