Homeward Bound

Ashton in the jungles of Fiji

Ashton ~ a missionary in the jungles of Fiji

A good friend posted a new arrangement of a song, Homeward Bound, sung by BYU’s Vocal Point.  It’s a song I’m already familiar with and love. You can hear it here. It’s a special song to us.  It was the song that came on in the car as we were driving our son Jordan to the airport to leave on his mission in 2006. He was our first missionary and it was an emotional time sending him off. The day before, he had literally plowed a field for his dad to get it ready to plant corn. After the song played, Jordan and I both cried most of the way to the airport. Jordan did return home to us from his mission to Korea…safe, well and happy. Now this song is even more meaningful since our Ashton’s death. Ashton won’t be returning home as soon as Jordan did, but I know we will see him again, “somehow”. I believe then he will also be safe, well and happy. But for now he is “set free” from his suffering on earth, to “find his calling” in the spirit world. Thanks for posting this, Paul. The arrangement is amazing!

Written by Faye