As usual, I couldn’t wait to get back home and write about it. I was on fire!
This holiday season, I want to look for Joy… I want to be bombarded with it….I want to bathe in it. I want to find it every where I go. I am going to deliberately look for it in whatever I do and whatever I see. I will report on it. I’ll write it down. I’ll take pictures of it!
Would you like to help me? You are welcome to help me look. Send me all the Joy you can find too if you’d like! Bombard me with Joy! You can comment on the blog or Facebook, message me, email me or send it snail mail. Message me… Faye Richardson Mayberry… for those addresses.
“Man is that he might have Joy.” That’s what my Heavenly Father wants for me and, by golly!!!!! (that’s my new word, I’m stompin’ my foot), I’m going to find it… I’m going to have it!
I Am!
PS – It’s the WORD Joy that started all this, but I realize that Joy means different things to different people. I’m anxious to see what your Joy looks like! Stay tuned for my Joy reports!!!
Written by Faye ~ November 5th, 2014

You don’t know me, but I’ve been following your blog for some time now. I have been touched countless times, reading your raw and blatantly honest words about your loss. I felt it was time for me to let you know that you have fulfilled a purpose in my life and I just wanted to give you something back in return. So here goes…
My current joy is being able to quit a full time position at the hospital in order to make a more stress-free environment for my family. Wait? Did she just say stress-free? How could quitting a perfectly good job, one that pays very well, possibly be a source of joy? Well, I’ll tell you. With my oldest just turning 18 and soon to head off to college this will be the last holiday season we will all be together (all six of us). And with my job I was facing a holiday season that would afford me only one day off, Christmas day. That’s no time, really, to spend at home. The thought of not sharing this time with my family was, well, unthinkable. It was totally unacceptable and I was miserable knowing that I wouldn’t be emotionally available to my family during what should be such a joyous time. So, yes. My joy is being strong enough to say enough is enough and quit. In addition, my joy is also having a very loving mother and father, on earth and in heaven, who helped me make such a difficult decision. My joy is knowing that I have people who support me and love me no matter what. My joy is reading something like your blog, reminding me to be thankful and to be joyful with the gifts God has so freely given me. Thank you, for helping me acknowledge it openly. God bless you, and may you find all the joy you can handle and then some!
I’m so happy for you Sara! Thank you for sharing your JOY and adding to mine. You are my first comment!
I don’t know you personally – but Faye … I am honored and truly filled with joy to have met several of your sister and can call several of them friends 🙂 Diane and Nora and Martha through pampered chef and Katie and Linda and again Martha through college. You have AMAZING sisters – it has been a joy for me to get to know them over the years.
I have followed your story on and off over the year and what strength and courage you both show through your journey. I am the director of clinical services for a large pediatric home health company in Phoenix and we serve a large population of special needs families. I have worked with many many families and parent who have lost their children – their journeys can sometimes be devastating and have dark out comes. I want you to know that I wish your journey will be filled with joy … How ever, where ever and with whom ever you may find it.
Let me share a few things that I find joyful : the smell of the desert after it has rained, fresh baked cookies, snuggling with a cozy blanket on the couch and a good movie, sleeping in, a pedicure, hearing the words “I love you” …. Small things … Simple things. I hope that you and your family will find joy this holiday season in the small and simple things ! Hugs to you and all the best through out your journey ! I will leave you with this ….
“Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy. ” – Eskimo
Thanks so much for your comment! The quote at the end brought tears… happy tears!
i am beginning to play the piano and sing carols with my grandchildren. This has been the hardest thing for me to do. Our life together was so filled with music that I still find some hymns hard to sing. I too am determined, with Gods help, to be filled with Joy! Praying for you this day.
Love and miss you Melody! We can do this with God’s help and our wonderful friends and family!