Grieving with those you love, makes it more bearable.
We can still help others even when we are grieving.
We can still have fun while we’re grieving.
Serving others makes grief less painful.
We talk about hard things.
“Set aside your grief and use your strength for another’s good.”
On a day where we thought we would be doing the giving, we were also on the receiving end. Enjoy our day in pictures!

The plate we delivered remembering their loved one. This one was delivered to our niece, Jamie Sue Thayer, remembering her little Kenadee.

Given to us by Uncle Nelson & Aunt Lori to open on this day. It was a hit and so fun for the everyone to explore!

We now have our very own personal tribe of Fiji water bottles. About a month before Ashton’s Angel Day, we started receiving a Fiji water bottle at our door every night. At first it was just the bottle, which was fun! Fiji water is our favorite now! Then they started coming dressed up. Super fun!!

We learned later that many bottles were decorated to look like our family members! The Daley family came to visit us on the 28th to reveal that they were the ones who delivered these to us. It was a fun month of Fiji water bottle deliveries. Thank you Daley family… we love you. Thanks for remembering us and giving us our “daily” giggle!!!

This is our favorite one, delivered on Ashton’s Angel Day! Can you guess who it is? We won’t be drinking these. They are keepers!!
Written and posted by Faye
Oh, my, so many things have touched the hearts of so many in remembering Ashton and sharing his day with others. Both the giver and receiver had their hearts grow softer with love and compassion. I hope everyone will continue doing those little (and big) things for everyone they come in contact with. A smile and kind, cheerful, encouraging word and/or hug does wonders for both. And they are so easy to do with only the cost of a few minutes….well spent. I love you all. Frances
Thank you, Frances, for your kind comments.
This is a bit off the subject and I have thought numerous times that I should not post this it is to private. However, I feel very strong lately that I should post this.
I was raised LDS. My dad was a Bishop at one time, I am the only child not sealed to my parents. I always took my children to church every Sunday when they were young and I was active but my husband was not. My ex husband always welcomed the home teachers and attended all baptism’s but never converted.
Since the loss of my so many this last year including my own brother, a 26 year old cousin, my own child and Ashton I have read all the blogs and your website for Ashton. This site has inspired me to start reading the scriptures again and I am so very grateful for that! I have not attended church again ” yet” but I speak with every missionary, I welcome and I listen to my Visiting teachers with( my heart) not just my ears.
I want you to know that your words and honest emotions touch me everyday. I cant thank you enough for sharing your life with me as it has changed mine for the better!!
I’m glad this has been helpful. We have felt “called” to write this blog — perhaps it was to help YOU! I think part of our healing from blogging is knowing that it’s helping others.
I’m sorry to hear about your losses, too!
I’m glad to hear you are returning to your roots and faith. Our faith has been phenomenally strengthening for us!
thank you for including my parents. I have been trying to say thank you since the day it happened. My dad loves your family and your son. My sweet sister Tiffany was honor this day with you son. Thank you seems so minimal.