What Makes Me Smile

Ashton with the Fiji children on his mission. They made him smile!

Ashton with the Fiji children on his mission. They made him smile!

I noticed a pattern this morning that I find myself into these days. I love to have things around me that make me smile. I put things on my wall that make me happy… even when they are not the norm for everyone else. My normal right now is what makes me smile. If it doesn’t make me happy…. I don’t keep it. I don’t want it. It doesn’t have to be a physical smile on my face…sometimes it’s just a smile from my heart. Do you know that feeling?

I’m looking for a wreath for my door that makes me smile when I drive up my driveway and look at my front door. I haven’t found it yet. In fact, I’m taking another one back today because it just isn’t it. I haven’t found the one the makes me smile yet. It’s the fourth one I’ve purchased. I’m waiting for one to go on sale at Target. It just might be the one… but I’m not spending $50 bucks for it! I haven’t been one to put a wreath on my door…. but, because I’m in the “needing to smile” mode…I decided I want to start doing that. I thought it would make my house look happier.

I finally got to meet with our grief counselor in person. She lives in Mesa and we have just “face timed” with her for other sessions. She works from her home and I felt happy in her home. You know why? She keeps her Christmas stuff up all year round… and she has some amazing, unique Christmas decorations. When I got home, I decided I was going to put my Christmas stuff back up…. mainly all the Joy I was given at Christmas time. I did it too! I still have my Nativity out. My poinsettia is still thriving and happy and living from Christmas! I have a Joy marquee that is my very favorite! I bought it at Target this last Christmas, but never put it up. It’s up now… and I plug it in every morning. I even left it on… on purpose… when we left for a few days so the house could stay happy. Silly? Yep! But that’s how I work right now. It’s by my back door and I can see it when I’m in my kitchen or at my computer. It isn’t quite as neon looking as the picture portrays.

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I makes me smile to keep things alive these days. I replanted some house plants, replacing the ones that didn’t make it through starvation mode after Ashton died. They are growing and doing well and it makes me happy to watch them grow.

My grandchildren and my family bring a smile to my face. In fact… they bring the biggest smile!

That little bunny that shows up in my front yard every morning and evening makes me smile.

Paying attention to these things really does help me. They remind me that there is much to smile about on this earth.

One thing I do… that also makes me smile… is reading from the scriptures EVERY DAY. I’m not perfect at it, and if I miss a day… I feel it. I need God to speak to me and I can feel His voice there. Some days I will just read a verse or two. It really does help. Feeling the  peace my Heavenly Father has for me from the scriptures is one more thing that makes me smile.

Written by Faye

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

One thought on “What Makes Me Smile

  1. Faye,
    I love your idea. Its not about the money or that we are materialistic. Its what warms our hearts and brings that smile to our face. Some of the smallest things that mean more to us then anyone would know is what counts. Good job, keep smiling and God bless.


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