July 8, 2020 – Wednesday
It has been raining on and off most of the day. You know how in some movies you can tell when it’s fake rain, like Singing in the Rain? Sometimes the rain looks like that here, but it’s definitely not fake rain. It must be constant rush hour traffic up in the cloudy skies of Auckland because it will rain hard and fast for 2 minutes, then the sun comes out for 5 minutes, then cloudy again, then rainy. But just a sprinkle or a misty rain. The weather is super unpredictable by the minute. I find myself quite often thanking Heavenly Father for all the rain. This Arizona girl is loving it!
There are beans soaking on the stove and I have been making applesauce. Apples are in season and I found some really good Pink Lady apples. They are my favorite for applesauce.
While washing and cutting up apples, I’m listening to Elder Anderson’s talk “Spiritually Defining Memories.” It’s the talk we will be discussing in our Sisters Scripture Study tomorrow. I’m remembering an experience I had with prayer and the Book of Mormon from when I was a teenager that I feel I should write down and share.
In high school, our seminary teacher asked us to find out for ourselves if the Book of Mormon was true. I remember hearing about the “burning in the bosom” that could happen when praying to get an answer and I wanted to feel that. Over a few months time, I prayed quite a few times what I felt were sincere prayers. But never got a burning or what I felt was an answer. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel. I don’t know how many times I prayed but finally I got my first ever experience when the Spirit spoke to me and the distinct thought came to my mind, “You already know”. I then realized the I DID already know. I knew that God knew I knew it too. I haven’t ever felt a need to pray about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon since then.
We are told that we all have one or more spiritual gifts and I have always wondered what mine was. I had hoped that I had one but never really knew. It wasn’t until maybe 8-10 years ago when I was secretary in the YW that the YW president, Jeanine Tracy, told me I had the gift of “Faith to Believe.” I had no idea, but after much thought and reflection, I realized that maybe I do have that gift. I do not have a big need to pray and get my own answer when we get a new prophet. I just know he’s the one. That story above of praying about the Book of Mormon is another example. Ever since she told me that, I have felt a little more confident in my faith and in my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That was a very kind thing for her to tell me. I may not ever have known. I hope I get the chance someday to point out a spiritual gift for someone else. That was a great blessing for me.
I’m looking out the window, smelling the apples cooking in the crockpot and hey……IT’S RAINING AGAIN!!! ️
Sending Oceans of Love…. Faye